Wisconsin Drug Testing Consortium Offers Full Slate of Testing Options
Functional Capacity Evaluations, Biometric Wellness Testing Key in Making Sure Applicants Can Physically Handle Their New Duties
Functional Capacity Evaluations, Biometric Wellness Testing Key in Making Sure Applicants Can Physically Handle Their New Duties
Wisconsin Drug Testing Consortium Offers DOT Physical Exams and is a DOT Drug Testing Location
Keeping compliant with DOT rules and regulations is challenging for most businesses. Wisconsin Drug Testing Consortium (WDTC) helps businesses to not only conduct regular testing, but also helps supervisors be on the lookout for workers under the influence.
You want drug testing locations that are easy for employees to access and do not keep employees away from their jobs for too long.
Alexandria, VA – Wisconsin Drug Testing Consortium dba Bray Enterprises in Green Bay, WI has been officially recognized as Nationally Accredited for Administration of Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs (NAADATP) by the Drug & Alcohol Testing Industry Association (DATIA). This accreditation means that their facility, operations and personnel meet the
Businesses sometimes have questions about applicants or employees that they need the absolute right answer to and they are unsure where to go. That is where Wisconsin Drug Testing Consortium comes in.
There is a lot more involved even after you find the ideal applicant. It is important that companies conduct employment criminal background checks
Wisconsin Drug Testing Can Manage Your DOT Drug Testing Needs Bringing new employees on board can be expensive. Will they fit in with the other employees? Do they have the right skills and are they capable of learning new ones? Did the applicants honestly represent themselves during the hiring process?
Company Provides Wide Range of Applicant and Employee Screenings GREEN BAY, Wisconsin – Wisconsin Drug Testing Consortium, a leading provider of applicant and employee screenings for businesses and organizations of all sizes, has updated its website to highlight its wide range of available services at its four locations in Green